February 15th, 2023

Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria: PKV and sister companies donate 15,000 euros

To support humanitarian aid on the ground following the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, PKV and its sister companies donate 15,000 euros to Aktion Deutschland Hilft.

Company Press

A partner organisation of Aktion Deutschland Hilft distributes donations to families in Syria (c) arche noVa

With donations, the 20 organisations united in the campaign can work with local partners to distribute food, drinking water, medicines, blankets and clothing, create emergency shelters, provide emergency medical aid and improve care for people with disabilities and the elderly. In this way, PKV and its sister companies in the HZI Group want to make a contribution to alleviating the immeasurable suffering after the earthquake disaster. In addition to PKV, the HZI Group brings together a number of companies that offer raw material refinement through coating and lamination as well as packaging solutions, especially for the food industry, at various locations in Germany.

Company Press