… and it doesn’t smell like a chip shop at all: PKV has switched to the substitute fuel HVO 100 for the last combustion vehicles. This reduces the CO2 balance by up to 90 percent. And there are even more advantages.
Quality from Varel for kings and queens – and of course for everyone else too. But how did the cardboard bottle make it into the British royal residence of Windsor Castle?
Current political framework conditions for the paper industry in Germany and Europe were the subject of an exchange between Siemtje Möller, Member of the Bundestag, and the PKV.
With new systems, PKV can recycle its process heat even better – and save as much natural gas and therefore energy and CO2 as up to 825 households consume per year.
One year after the fire, the renovation of the damaged PKV warehouse on the former barracks site in Varel is nearing completion. The delivery times for concrete parts in particular have determined the duration of this repair.