The heart of your packaging.

Sustainable corrugated board papers

and cardboard from waste paper.

For our customers

sind wir ein Partner auf Augenhöhe – oft schon seit Jahrzehnten. Gemeinsam schaffen wir nachhaltige Verpackungslösungen und setzen natürliche Ressourcen so sparsam wie möglich ein. Mit unserer Leidenschaft für Papier und Karton können wir als einer der größten europäischen Standorte unserer Branche mit 930.000 Tonnen Produktionskapazität ein außergewöhnlich breites Produktspektrum anbieten.

For our products

bürgen permanente interne und externe Laborkontrollen und unsere Managementzertifikate für Qualität, Umwelt, Lebensmittel- und Produktsicherheit, Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz sowie Energie. Ein Klick auf die Zertifikate bringt Sie zu den Downloads.

For our employees

sind wir ein stabiler und attraktiver Arbeitgeber mit positiver „Hands on“-Mentalität. Wichtig sind uns gesundes und sicheres Arbeiten und die stetige Weiterbildung unserer Mitarbeiter. Als Familienunternehmen im Mittelstand achten wir aufeinander. Wir bezahlen nach einem attraktiven Tarif, plus übertarifliche Leistungen in Form von Prämien. Wir feiern Erfolge gemeinsam, und wir helfen uns gegenseitig, immer besser zu werden.

For our region

the Barthel Foundation, which supports us, makes important contributions to strengthening civil society and cultural diversity. In this way, part of our economic success flows directly back to us.

facts and figures


for paper (2) and cardboard (2)


Insgesamt rund 9,4 Prozent des Bedarfs in Deutschland.

70 %

30 %
381 Mio.

im Jahr 2021

Our customers: Packaging manufacturers worldwide

67 %
33 %

Packaging made from recycled waste paper is sustainable and therefore increasingly in demand. Our customers appreciate our products’ excellent running and processing properties, optimal printability and high specific strengths at competitive prices.

Our customers from the national and international packaging industry use our products to manufacture corrugated board and cardboard packaging, which is used in a variety of flexible ways for food, consumer goods, industrial goods or pharmaceutical products, among others. After use, this packaging can be collected in the waste paper and reprocessed into new paper and cardboard – a genuine and sustainable circular economy.

Production lines

With four modern paper and board machines, we produce the heart of our customers’ packaging solutions – seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

On our paper machines 4 and 5 we produce corrugated as well as brown and white liner papers for the production of corrugated board for our customers.

The board grades produced on board machines 2 and 3 always offer the right raw material for packaging in the food, hygiene and medical sectors and for the consumer and industrial goods segment.

Paper machine 4 (Fourdrinier machine with top and hybrid former)
Working width530 cm
Speedmax. 1,200 m/min
Annual capacity360.000 t
Basis weights120-280 g/m²

Paper machine 5 (two-layer gap former machine)
Working width560 cm
Speedmax. 1,300 m/min
Annual capacity300.000 t
Basis weights100-170 g/m²

Board machine 2 (cylinder mould machine with integrated laminating unit)
Working width275 cm
Speedmax. 165 m/min
Annual capacity130.000 t
Basis weights500-1,400 g/m²
Board machine 3 (cylinder mould machine with coating units)
Working width295 cm
Speedmax. 300 m/min
Annual capacity140.000 t
Basis weights350-800 g/m²

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Strong together.
PKV is a company of the HZI Group.

We combine efficient and innovative paper and board producers and converters as well as packaging manufacturers in our joint group of companies.

In particular, the advantages of a constant supply of packaging raw materials and a diverse selection of raw materials offer our customers a wide range of products and supply security.

With passion for paper and cardboard

When the entrepreneur Hellmut Barthel from Rabenstein near Chemnitz came to Varel for the first time and entered his later factory, there was only a Zeppelin hangar from pre-war times. Today, more than eighty years later, the passion and dedication of generations of paper and board makers have shaped one of the largest European sites in their industry here.

Hellmut Barthel may not have been fully aware of this when he bought Halbzellstoff Industrie GmbH and its hall in 1947 (founded in 1938), started board production with a new machine and finally moved to Varel together with his sister Gertrud. But the family entrepreneur from Saxony has been setting an example of entrepreneurial vision to his paper and board mill for decades – among other things with the early decision to switch completely to recovered paper as a raw material in 1950, with new machines and in 1973 the entry into the corrugated board paper market, with ultra-modern and environmentally friendly plants for biological waste water treatment and efficient energy generation.

Hellmut Barthel had also made far-sighted arrangements for the future of his company. When the thrifty entrepreneur, who had lived on the factory premises all his life, died in 1999 at a ripe old age, the course had been set: His shares in the company had been transferred to a foundation which, together with the Evers and Dieball families, still forms the basis of the company today.

For decades, we have lived out common values in our company that guide and commit us today and in the future: Entrepreneurial foresight, sustainable responsibility, and above all, a passion for paper and cartonboard that is proven again and again and every day.

Erfahren Sie hier mehr über unsere Geschichte in unserer Festschrift zum 75-jährigen Firmenjubiläum (2013).

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